A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Name | Url | |
WrenIX | https://wrenix.eu |
Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts. Refer to Helm’s documentation to get started. Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:
helm pull oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/ntfy
You can install a chart release using the following command:
helm install ntfy-release oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/ntfy --values values.yaml
To uninstall a chart release use helm
’s delete command:
helm uninstall ntfy-release
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} | |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false | |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 100 | |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 | |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 | |
env | list | [] | set env in container for usage Environment variables |
envFrom | list | [] | set envFrom in container for usage of ConfigMaps or Secrets as a bunch of Environment variables |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | |
grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | {} | |
grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | false | |
grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard | string | "1" | |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
image.repository | string | "binwiederhier/ntfy" | |
image.tag | string | "" | |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | |
ingress.annotations | object | {} | |
ingress.className | string | "" | |
ingress.enabled | bool | false | |
ingress.hosts[0].host | string | "chart-example.local" | |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path | string | "/" | |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" | |
ingress.tls | list | [] | |
kubectl.image | object | {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"docker.io","repository":"bitnami/kubectl","tag":"1.32.3"} | image needed for setup (store generated VAPID / WebPush keys) |
nameOverride | string | "" | |
networkPolicy.egress.enabled | bool | true | activate egress no networkpolicy |
networkPolicy.egress.extra | list | [] | egress rules |
networkPolicy.enabled | bool | false | |
networkPolicy.ingress.http | list | [] | ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller) |
networkPolicy.ingress.metrics | list | [] | ingress for metrics port (e.g. prometheus) |
networkPolicy.ingress.smtp | list | [] | ingress for smtp |
nodeSelector | object | {} | |
ntfy.attachment.cacheDir | string | nil | |
ntfy.attachment.expireDuration | string | "3h" | |
ntfy.attachment.sizeLimit.file | string | "15M" | |
ntfy.attachment.sizeLimit.total | string | "5G" | |
ntfy.auth.defaultAccess | string | "read-write" | |
ntfy.auth.file | string | nil | |
ntfy.auth.startupQueries | string | nil | |
ntfy.baseURL | string | "https://ntfy.example.org" | |
ntfy.behindProxy | bool | true | |
ntfy.cache.batch.size | int | 0 | |
ntfy.cache.batch.timeout | string | "0s" | |
ntfy.cache.duration | string | "12h" | |
ntfy.cache.file | string | nil | |
ntfy.cache.startupQueries | string | nil | |
ntfy.enableLogin | bool | false | |
ntfy.enableReservations | bool | false | |
ntfy.enableSignup | bool | false | |
ntfy.firebaseKeyFile | string | nil | |
ntfy.globalTopicLimit | int | 15000 | |
ntfy.keepaliveInterval | string | "45s" | |
ntfy.listen.certFile | string | nil | |
ntfy.listen.http | string | ":80" | |
ntfy.listen.https | string | nil | |
ntfy.listen.keyFile | string | nil | |
ntfy.listen.unix | string | nil | |
ntfy.listen.unixMode | string | nil | |
ntfy.managerInterval | string | "1m" | |
ntfy.metrics.enable | bool | true | |
ntfy.metrics.port | int | 9000 | |
ntfy.smtp.sender.addr | string | nil | |
ntfy.smtp.sender.from | string | nil | |
ntfy.smtp.sender.pass | string | nil | |
ntfy.smtp.sender.user | string | nil | |
ntfy.smtp.server.addrPrefix | string | nil | |
ntfy.smtp.server.domain | string | nil | |
ntfy.upstreamBaseURL | string | "https://ntfy.sh" | |
ntfy.visitor.attachment.dailyBandwidthLimit | string | "500M" | |
ntfy.visitor.attachment.totalSizeLimit | string | "100M" | |
ntfy.visitor.email.limitBurst | int | 16 | |
ntfy.visitor.email.limitReplenish | string | "1h" | |
ntfy.visitor.request.limitBurst | int | 60 | |
ntfy.visitor.request.limitExemptHosts | string | "" | |
ntfy.visitor.request.limitReplenish | string | "5s" | |
ntfy.visitor.subscriberRateLimiting | bool | false | |
ntfy.visitor.subscriptionLimit | int | 30 | |
ntfy.webPush.emailAddress | string | "" | |
ntfy.webPush.file | string | "/data/webpush.db" | |
ntfy.webPush.keys.create | bool | false | |
ntfy.webPush.keys.private | string | nil | |
ntfy.webPush.keys.public | string | nil | |
ntfy.webRoot | string | "app" | |
persistence.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOnce" | |
persistence.annotations | object | {} | |
persistence.enabled | bool | false | |
persistence.existingClaim | string | nil | A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim Requires persistence.enabled: true If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound |
persistence.hostPath | string | nil | Create a PV on Node with given hostPath storageClass has to be manual |
persistence.size | string | "1Gi" | |
persistence.storageClass | string | nil | data Persistent Volume Storage Class If defined, storageClassName: |
podAnnotations | object | {} | |
podLabels | object | {} | |
podSecurityContext | object | {} | set securityContext on pod level |
prometheus.rules.additionalRules | list | [] | |
prometheus.rules.enabled | bool | false | |
prometheus.rules.labels | object | {} | |
prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled | bool | false | |
prometheus.servicemonitor.labels | object | {} | |
replicaCount | int | 1 | |
resources | object | {} | |
securityContext | object | {} | set securityContext on container level |
service.http.port | int | 80 | |
service.http.type | string | "ClusterIP" | |
service.smtp.enabled | bool | false | |
service.smtp.port | int | 25 | |
service.smtp.type | string | "LoadBalancer" | |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true | |
serviceAccount.name | string | "" | |
tolerations | list | [] | |
updateStrategy.type | string | "Recreate" |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs