
myCloud component to setup collabora
Commons Monitoring
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commons.grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | {} | annotations of grafana dashboard configmap |
commons.grafana.dashboards.labels | object | {} | labels of grafana dashboard configmap |
commons.prometheus.monitor.labels | object | {} | labels on Pod- and Service-Monitor |
commons.prometheus.rules.labels | object | {} | labels on PrometheusRules |
Commons helm release
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commons.helm.release.driftDetection | object | {} | driftDetection of FluxCD HelmRelease |
commons.helm.release.install | object | {} | install of FluxCD HelmRelease |
commons.helm.release.test | object | {} | test of FluxCD HelmRelease |
commons.helm.release.upgrade | object | {} | upgrade of FluxCD HelmRelease |
Commons Ingress
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commons.ingress.annotations | object | {"":"letsencrypt-prod"} | annotations for all ingress objects |
commons.ingress.domain | string | "" | top domain for all services |
commons.ingress.tls.enabled | bool | true | tls on every ingress |
commons.ingress.tls.override | list | [] | use own definition of tls (e.g. for own or wildcard certificate) |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commons.masterPassword | string | "CHANGEME" | masterPassword to generate secrets |
Remote font
Key | Type | Default | Description |
remoteFont.enabled | bool | true | remote font setup |
remoteFont.url | string | nil | url to remote font default (set to nextcloud) |
Other Values
Key | Type | Default | Description |
adminPassword | string | nil | adminPassword to access collabora admin platform |
allowedHosts | object | {} | allowed host to use this collabora instance if not set we allow defaults (like nextcloud) example: [ “”, “” ] |
ingress.annotations | object | {"":"true","":"url_param WOPISrc","":"hash-type consistent acl admin_url path_beg /cool/getMetrics acl admin_url path_beg /cool/adminws/ acl admin_url path_beg /browser/dist/admin/admin.html http-request deny if admin_url","":"3600s","":"location /cool/getMetrics { deny all; return 403; }\nlocation /cool/adminws/ { deny all; return 403; }\nlocation /browser/dist/admin/admin.html { deny all; return 403; }\n","":"$arg_WOPISrc"} | ingress annotatations - default are all the best practise of collabora | | string | nil | default: fs.(Values.commons.ingress.domain) |
init.namespace | string | "bases" | |
init.version | int | 0 | |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs