
This is an Helm-Chart which creates an overlaye to connect / install multiple flux-charts / components (and use the helm values for it)
Key | Type | Default | Description |
base.helm.release.driftDetection | object | {} | driftDetection of FluxCD HelmRelease |
base.helm.release.install | object | {} | install of FluxCD HelmRelease |
base.helm.release.interval | string | "10m" | interval of FluxCD HelmRelease |
base.helm.release.test | object | {} | test of FluxCD HelmRelease |
base.helm.release.upgrade | object | {} | upgrade of FluxCD HelmRelease |
base.helm.release.valuesFrom | list | [] | valuesFrom for every components (for use values from ConfigMap or Secret) |
base.helm.repo.interval | string | "10m" | interval of FluxCD Repository |
base.helm.repo.namespace | string | nil | namespace, where the GitRepo resource is installed (maybe needed together with secretRef) |
base.helm.repo.ref | object | {"branch":"main"} | default ref (if no branch is set - maybe overwritten by semver or so) |
base.helm.repo.secretRef | string | nil | secret to get access to the git-repo |
base.helm.repo.url | string | "" | git repo where all components are stored |
base.helm.repo.verify | string | nil | secret to get access to the git-repo |
base.namespace.labels | object | {} | labels for every new created namespace (together or overwritten by components.<component-release-name.namespace.labels) |
Shared Values - between all components
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commons | object | {} | commons are values which are additional |
global | object | {} | global are values which overwrite values global |
A Component
Key | Type | Default | Description |
components..enabled | bool | false | enable component-release to install | | string | nil | optional component-name (if not set component-release-name is used as component-name) |
components..namespace.labels | object | {} | if create a new namespace use labels (and the common namespace.labels) | | string | nil | if not set, it reuse namespace where this base-chart is deployed |
components..namespace.skip_create | bool | false | use the named namespace but does not create it |
components..values | object | {} | set values on component-release |
components..valuesFrom | list | [] | valuesFrom just for this component (for use values from ConfigMap or Secret) |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs